Bodega Egg/Bacon/Cheese sandwich
For my continuing breakfast series, I give you the Bodega Egg/Bacon/Cheese sandwich. At least that’s what they call them in the Northeast. In the south, we call these Gas Station Breakfast Sandwiches.
The premise is simple, the delivery compact, and the result is divine. The last Gas Station Sandwich I had was in September, 2021 in Haymarket Virginia. It’s been on my mind for a while now.
And the execution is pretty simple. Lacking a flat grill, I made mine in a regular skillet. Whisk up two eggs, season as you like. I just ground in some black pepper.
Cook some bacon crisp. I actually do use the microwave here. Four slices in a couple minutes, on paper towel.
Toast a bun, or two slices of bread in a little butter (Kerrygold!). I usually have some Pepperidge Farms Artisanal Buns in my freeze, so i used this. Two slice of Italian bread woks too. Set aside. Keep your pan hot, add some more butter. Pour in the egg slowly and cook till semi-firm. Toss in a slice of cheese (go ahead, make it two). Fold the edges in. Toss to complete.
Before putting on the bun, consider this. The classic would have ketchup on the bun. I would recommend hot sauce instead. But today I did a garlic basil aioli. Simply some mayo with garlic powder and dried sweet basil. I put this on both the top and bottom bun.
Plate the egg fold, top with bacon and wrap tightly with foil or wrap of your preference. You want you bacon/egg/cheese to steam the bread for a minute or two. Not too long, you want that bacon crispy. Cut in half and enjoy!