Griddle Cooked Miso Salmon and Broccoli
Still loving having some miso in the house, a little goes a long way. Tonight, two new things. My miso Salmon on the griddle…and broccoli on the griddle.
I used two cloches, one to steam the broccoli and one to bring a more even heat to the salmon.
Here’s the link to the salmon if you missed it before:
The result was great. It kept me from running the kitchen broiler on a VERY hot day, and I got to try something new. I started the brocholi with a little butter and garlic, turned off the heat on that side of the griddle, and then squirted in some water under the cloche to keep it steaming.
With the salmon, I griddled it for a couple minutes, flipped it, and did a couple more.
Bottom line: This is a great approach for cooking miso salmon, this weekend I may try to be adventurous and cook a stuffed fish under a cloche under low heat.